The Rio Grande River exits the Big Bend National Park through Boquillas Canyon, an impressive canyon with sheer, vertical rock walls cut through the Sierra Del Carmen. A parking lot is within a mile of the canyon entrance and it is any easy hike for all the family. Just inside the entrance to canyon against the cliff on the north side of the Rio Grande River is an immense pile of sand. The sand appears to have poured from a hole in the cliff about 100 feet up but it actually was blown in by the wind from the surrounding desert.
Beside the view of the canyon cliffs, the river, and the little town of Boquillas, Mexico, (visible from a high point on the trail) the main entertainment feature is the sand hill. It is a challenge to climb and visitors use various techniques for descending. Some try sliding on cardboard boxes and some just run and fall. I was able to run down the full length of the hill and the exciting thing was that my steps were at least 10 feet in length, perhaps longer. I would just leap off from one foot and sail through the air down the face of the sand hill and land on the other foot. Each time my foot hit the sand I would slide several feet. It took great balance to avoid a fall. It has been many years since I did it, but I think it took more than ten steps to reach the bottom. My estimate of the height of the hill is based on my run down the hill.
FILM NOTE: When making photographs of things you may not have an opportunity to photograph again, it is better to use film and equipment you are familiar with. I made the mistake of using film that I had never tried before for these photographs. The film was 5254 color negative 35mm movie film that had been re-spooled in 35mm still camera film canisters by a photo supply and processing company on the west coast. The company promoted it as a universal film that could be used for both prints and slides. It was easy to make slides from the film because of the availability of a matching 35mm color positive movie film. I found that the film was very contrasty and lacked exposure latitude. The prints and slides both were washed out and bluish. The negatives were scratched pretty badly during processing and I think some were missing. These images were scanned from the original negatives and my photo software corrected some of the color and contrast problems. Although these photos are not of the best quality, I hope they will pique your interest in the rugged Big Bend area.
The final image was scanned from a 4x5 Cibachrome print that I made from a Kodak Ektachrome slide. I don't think Kodak makes Ektachrome in 35mm format anymore.
SCENES FROM BIG BEND Photos of the Chisos Mountains, the 'window' of the Chisos Basin, sunset through the window, Santa Elena Canyon view, a scene from Palo Dura Canyon in northwest Texas, and a windmill on the high Texas plains. |
LARGE MAP of BIG BEND This large map may be of interest to you. It is over 800k in file size. |
Skipper Family Magazine SITE INDEX |
Re-posted: 12/26/02