Our oldest son joined the Army Reserve after graduation from University and went through officer training and paratrooper school. He was transferred to Germany for his active duty service in military intelligence. He eventually served in Desert Storm in a remote part of the Saudi Arabian desert. We visited while he was still in Germany. These photos represent just a small part of what we saw there. This first photo is of the castle from the side of the valley were the U.S. military base was located.
(Click the 'thumbnail' views to see larger images.)
This view of the castle is from a location a little further down toward town. We enjoyed our visit in the town and other towns in that part of Germany. Everyone seemed friendly and welcomed us there. | |
This is a view of the stairs leading up from town to one of the approaches to the castle. | |
There was a trail though the grounds of the castle in addition to a curving driveway that enters the front of the castle area. I am in the picture to give perspective. | |
The trail connects to a walkway along the castle wall through these arches. I think that it may have been covered at one time. There were no guides or caretakers around; visitors were free to wander the castle grounds. Ann and Patty provide perspective for the arches. | |
This is the castle façade. | |
This shows the main structure of the front area of the castle viewed from what originally was the castle interior. | |
The castle provides a nice vantage point for viewing the town of Wertheim. | |
This is a view across the river valley to the side where the base is located. I can’t remember whether the new buildings are part of the base or part of a new area of town. | |
Ann remembers that she took this artistic view of the Main River through a castle window. If she hadn’t taken it, I would have I’m sure. I think it is a great example of ‘framing’ a shot. | |
Another example of setting up a foreground to contrast with a distant view. This river is navigable with locks. Ann and I took a boat ride down river to another quaint town. We also rented a rowboat and rowed up the Tauber, a tributary on the other side of town. The Tauber enters the Main from the left in this photo. The causeway along the Main crosses the Tauber near the location visible just above the castle wall. Yes, we have pictures! |
Views along the Main River from Wurzburg to Wertheim. |
Canoeing on the Tauber - We rowed up the Tauber past Wertheim and then back down for a 30-minute tour. |
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Re-posted: 11/30/02 Count on old page was 1152.