Hotel Park View
This was the view from the hotel window. The park was across the street from the entrance. Sydney reminded me of Boston, the only city in the northeast U.S. that I have visited.
Building by the Park
This building is visible in the previous photo on the far right corner. I remember that it was a church building. It also had a 'Coffee Lounge' or ice cream parlor. The sign is legible on the original slide.
Coffee Lounge
This is the interior of the Coffee Lounge. Kodachrome film doesn't do well with flourescent light. It is possible that I was guessing at the exposure and thus got an underexposed, 'muddy' picture.
Modern Buildings
After our ministry at the church in Cabramatta, we had a day back in Sydney to relax and look around. We really enjoyed our walk through the area near the hotel.
The Strand
Galveston, Texas, has a street called 'The Strand' and the sign at the top of the building said 'The Strand 1891.' 'Strand Arcade' is on the awning above the sidewalk.
The Tower
This tower was one of the new things on Sydney's skyline.
Street Musician
Do most big cities have street musicians? This appears to be a native Australian.
Street Vendor
The fruit, vegetables, and customers made a colorful shot at this street stand.
Pedestrian Boulevard
This was a nice place for a stroll. The kiosk had information about events in Sydney.
Busy Street
This contrasts with the pedestrian area. The fire department was called in for something as we walked through the area. I may have more about the cars later.
Green Space
There seemed to be more 'green spaces' than I see in most U.S. towns.
Telephoto View
The building on the left has an interesting look. I'll have a page of the Circular Quay with the Harbour Bridge and Opera House sometime later.