Posts on a barren beach at Galveston, Texas, on a chilly, gray day. Galveston is known for its dirty sand beaches. Apparently the silt from the Mississippi River drifts west onto the beaches of Louisiana and the upper Texas coast. Beaches further southwest are much better.

A 'herd' of aphids traveling along a grout joint between the bricks on the back wall of our house. They seemed to have a goal, but they were very far from any vegetation. They were about two-thirds the way up the wall.
On the left is a close scan of a closer shot of some of the aphids at the back of the herd. On the right is a colorful, jewel like spider. It was very difficult to photograph in the deep shade behind some bushes on the northwest of the house. These views are much larger than life size.

A few week later a similar spider built a web in an open area that was well lit by the north sky. They don't seem to be the same species.
The web was horizontal and the spider hung underneath it.

These little flowers grow wild in early spring along the shoulder of the road in front of our house. Some ants are foraging on these blooms. A spider was lurking on a similar bloom on an earlier page of the Cigar Box.
This photo of a cicada, or dry fly, was taken on slide film in 1973. The ruby colored translucent bump between its eyes doesn't show up well in this scan.
I saw this little tree frog through the screen of a window on our front porch. I carefully removed the screen, leaned out the window, and got this shot.
We have a large hedge of waxleaf ligustrum bushes and, when they are pruned at the right season, they blossom prolifically. The honey bees swarm all over them.
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PAGE 1 - High School girlfriend photos, butterflies, flowers, tiny spider, tree frog on rose.
PAGE 2 - Crystal egg and Wooden Dove from Moscow, Tiny Harmonica, Crop Dusting Bi-plane, Pokeberries, 'White Water' and a Deformed Wild Daisy
PAGE 3 - Bugs: A Rare Combination - Mosquito on mating 'Walking Sticks,' Cicada, Grasshopper, Red Spider, Butterfly, and Green Leaves.
PAGE 4 - My fiancee in 1962 on the University of Arkansas campus. Fields of cows and wild flowers. A mole cricket. B&W photos of leaves, berries, and a dead tree in a pond.
PAGE 5 - Flowers, spider, bees, aphids, tree frog, cicada - Nature photos from the spring of 2002 and an old photo of posts on the beach at Galveston.